More than 10,000 tonnes of concrete sleepers (railway beams or sleepers) were transported in a sustainable manner from the production site in the Netherlands to various sites of the Belgian railway company Infrabel. The concrete sleepers manufacturer chose the solution of logistics chain director JoGo Logistics because of the sustainable combination of water and road transport, transshipment and storage.
The concrete sleepers were transported from the production site near the water in the Netherlands to Liège. These approximately 30,000 sleepers were delivered from the De Meteoor Beton production site in Rheden, the Netherlands, to Infrabel’s various sites via the Belgian company Prefer.
The team of chain director JoGo Logistics loaded the sleepers at De Meteoor’s quay into the barge by means of the pallet cross-over system. Via the Meuse the journey went straight to Flemalle. On Prefer’s quay in Flemalle, JoGo Logistics again used the pallet cross-over technique to unload the sleepers.
The sleepers were temporarily stored at the company Prefer. On demand, the sleepers were then transported by JoGo Logistics trucks to Infrabel’s various sites. JoGo Logistics directed and organised this entire logistics operation without any interference from Prefer or De Meteoor.
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